
This Website!

I spent many hours designing and building this website. I taught myself Hugo, a static site builder, to write the interface

AI-powered Conversation APP

Guided Reflection in Stream-of-consciousness space with Sherlock Holmes

Design | COMPSCI 201 Survivor Mug

I collaborated with Dr. Long Jiang to design this mug for students in COMPSCI 201 (Programming and Data Structures) at Duke Kunshan University

Design | Logo for Duke Kunshan University (DKU)

Designed in 2019, when I was applying to DKU

Kunshan Digital Humanities - Micro Film Script

This is a student-led microfilm about Gu Yanwu, a brilliant thinker, scholar, and historian in the late Ming and early Qing dynasties

Kunshan Student Ambassador Council (KSAC)

Led a team to design the blog post cover and template of KSAC Wechat official account