Scholars have long employed a divisive lens to view science and humanities, with the former
developing to replace human labor while the latter ultimately oriented around human
Such division in perspective also manifests itself in the division of scholarly communities
perceive themselves as having little to do with each other.
However, my experience researching at the intersection of the two revealed that this made us miss out on an enormous potential for the two domains to co-evolute and recursively augment each other. This motivates me to pursue an integrated approach to research that combines both.
I believe that it is the questions we ask, not the methods we employ, that can positively impact the world.
I am interested in exploring
connections between the (maybe) distinct perspectives of human minds and machines. To grasp these
connections, an interdisciplinary approach is needed to merge computational methods with
humanistic inquiries, which can be approached from two directions:
[☾˚.] In the information age where words so often give way to number
crunching, how to cogitate the humanistic meaning of data science?
I am particularly interested in understanding representation and
interpretability/explanatory models in both human minds and neural networks, and their connections with each other.
What does it mean for the system to genuinely represent something? How can we understand the system with faithful yet interpretable explanations?
I believe that we are better positioned to answer these questions through not only
empirical studies but also through philosophical and historical explorations of computation
and science.
[✭] How can computational methods be used to expand and contextualize
humanities research, empowering large-scale cultural analytics and historical
This line of research is commonly referred to as digital/computational
humanities. (I am currently supported by the Digital Humanities Graduate Fellowship
from the Center for Spatial and Textual Analysis (CESTA).)
While being open to the myriad unexploited benefits that scientific inquiries may offer,
I wish to clarify that none of these approaches represent a technocratic method aiming to
[☾⋆⁺₊] These two directions may ultimately converge.
My aspiration is to develop both a theoretical framework and empirical methods that
transcend simple imitation of traditional humanities methodologies and mere application of
computational tools as a “technological upgrade”. Instead, I intend to propose new modes of
inquiry that combine computational capabilities with humanistic interpretation.
I aim for such approaches to encourage researchers to rethink and pose new questions about
the mind and machine.
Visit my research page and blog for more details!
❅ Personal
Besides reading and writing, I
playing the Chinese zither (watch our performance here: Stanford
Baipu Chinese Music Ensemble), and
I am always energized by inspiring conversations and meaningful connections.
Drop me an email to say